As many of you may know, Professor Asmal was one of the first people to have publicly lent his support to the UJ Petition. A little known fact is that Professor Asmal also wrote a personal letter to each member of UJ's management. Asmal's letter to UJ's Vice-Chancellor opened, "I have been following the UJ-BGU campaign with much interest. Indeed, I am a signatory to the UJ Petition," the letter was delivered the weekend before UJ's Senate decided to terminate its relationship with Israel's Ben-Gurion University. Asmal ended his letter with anticipation of "a historic -and morally guided- decision by the University of Johannesburg."
Today's Mail&Guardian has a full page dedicated to Professor Asmal from the UJ Petition Committee, as well as other solidarity groups.
Hamba kahle, dear Kader.
- MAIL & GUARDIAN: World must deny legitimacy to Israel [25_05_2010]